Pet First Aid Training Course

When people think of first aid, they often do not think about their pets. Pets have accidents, just the same as humans. Knowing what to do should the worst happen, is a simple thing to learn with basic training. ProTrainings Europe Limited offer Pet First Aid training, which is provided in two formats. It can be taught in a classroom, held by a ProTrainings approved and monitored instructor or learnt online using video based e-learning. 

ProTrainings Pet First Aid course is fun, informative and will provide the skills to deal with a pet emergency should it arise and help prevent the situation from worsening before professional help is available. The course is ideal for pet owners or pet professionals. It covers the main first aid subjects for dogs and cats but the information is also suitable for most other animals too. Just some of the topics in the training include; Dog CPR, Broken Bones, Choking, Vomiting in Animals and Snake Bites.  

The course is not aimed to replace vetinary care but it will prepare people to take quick and confident action in an emergency and will focus on the most common pet-related accidents. When the course has been completed, each candidate will have the ability to refresh their knowledge on the website and will receive refresher videos via email. This will keep acquired skills at the ready and is completely free. This qualification is also available with an Endorsed Certificate from TQUK, for an extra charge if required. 

Be prepared to save your pet’s life... they would for you. To sign up for the online Pet First Aid course, visit or call 01206 805359 to book onto a classroom course near you.

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