Canine First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

56 videos, 2 hours and 53 minutes

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Vomiting in Animals

Video 33 of 56
2 min 37 sec
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Vomiting in Dogs: Knowing When to Act

Understanding Canine Vomiting

Unexplained Vomiting

Dogs may occasionally experience bouts of vomiting without an apparent cause. This can result from eating too quickly or regurgitating water after drinking. In most instances, there's no immediate need to consult your vet unless it becomes a recurring issue.

Causes of Pet Vomiting

Various Triggers

  • A medical condition
  • An allergy
  • Ingesting solid objects, harmful plants, or toxic food
  • Some causes can be more severe than others

Determining the Severity

When to Seek Veterinary Care

If you're uncertain about the seriousness of your pet's vomiting, it's advisable to contact your local vet for guidance. However, for minor cases, you can monitor your pet at home under specific conditions:

  • The illness is linked to consuming non-toxic plants or grass, and your pet is eating, drinking, and behaving normally
  • Vomiting results from retching or gagging to expel a hairball, and it subsides after clearing the hairball
  • If vomiting persists, consult your vet for further evaluation and guidance
  • Known food allergies where you are familiar with the appropriate actions

Signs Warranting Veterinary Attention

Take Your Pet to the Vet

If your pet exhibits any of the following signs, it's essential to visit the vet:

  • Frequent vomiting, which is not normal and continues despite a regular diet
  • Vomiting accompanied by weight loss
  • Visible blood during vomiting, indicating potential stomach ulcers or alterations
  • Vomiting coupled with diarrhea, especially if your pet is avoiding food and water, as rapid dehydration can occur
  • Retching or gagging without producing vomit, along with abdominal pain, restlessness, or heavy panting

Recommended Actions

Managing Vomiting

If your pet has vomited, it's advisable to temporarily withhold food and water. If this doesn't alleviate the issue, contact your local vet. After vomiting ceases, consider offering bland foods like cooked rice and chicken to help settle their stomach.