Pet First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

64 videos, 3 hours and 12 minutes

Course Content

Before we start this course, we will first look at what's covered during the training, the course is divided into categories, and within each category, you will find several videos. You can pause and watch again any of the videos in the course. We update our courses regularly and you will be able to see any replacements and also any new videos as they are released. This may be an online course. If you have any questions during the course, you can contact us by phone, email, or use our online chat facility on any of our websites. You will work through the course videos in order. And now we will give you an overview of what's contained in the course. In the first section, we will look at the vet and your role in first aid, keeping safe, protecting your home, how pets show pain and checking your pet's health. You will also cover CPR, car accidents, drowning and treatment, shock, broken bones and spinal injuries. In the medical conditions category, we cover different subjects, including serious bleeding, dressings, paws, mouth, tail, illnesses, poisoning, stings, bites, seizures, choking, snake bites, ticks and fly stroke. Finally, we look at the older dog, small animals, fireworks, and the pet first aid kit.