Pet First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

65 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Fireworks and Thunderstorms

Video 64 of 65
4 min 33 sec
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Managing Pet Noise Phobias: Effective Strategies

The Challenge of Noise Phobias

Understanding Noise Phobias: Pets with noise phobias, like fireworks or thunderstorm fear, can experience severe distress. It's crucial to address these issues early, as unmanaged phobias tend to worsen over time.

Seek Professional Guidance: Consult behaviourists or veterinarians for guidance on managing your pet's noise phobia. Combining various strategies is key to helping your pet cope.

Anti-Anxiety Supplements

Consider Supplements: Explore anti-anxiety supplements recommended by your vet or behaviourist. These supplements come in various forms, including diffusers and collars, to ensure your pet benefits both at home and on walks.

Create a Safe Haven

Prepare a Safe Space: Establish a secure place for your pet well in advance of expected noise events. Enhance their chosen hideout with toys and blankets to create a comforting environment.

Accessibility: Ensure your pet can access their safe place at all times. This accessibility prevents panic and the need to pass through doors when anxious.

Minimize Environmental Stress

Block Out Disturbances: When dealing with fireworks, minimize stressors by leaving lights, radios, and televisions on. Draw curtains to block out light and close doors leading to well-lit areas.

Consider Thunder-Shirts: Thunder-shirts provide a secure feeling for some pets, reducing anxiety during noisy events.

Medications as an Option

Modern Medications: Consult your vet for anti-anxiety medications instead of sedatives. These medications relax your pet without suppressing their fear responses.

Memory Block: Some medications can block short-term memory, helping desensitize pets by preventing them from expecting repeated distressing events.

Note: Always consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable approach for your pet's specific needs.