Pet First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

64 videos, 3 hours and 12 minutes

Course Content

What to do if your cat has an accident

Video 16 of 64
2 min 21 sec

Caring for Injured Cats: Safe Transport to the Vet

1. Cats' Hiding Behavior When Injured

Understanding Cats' Reclusive Behavior: Injured cats may not return home; they often seek refuge in hidden, safe places.

2. Safely Transporting an Injured Cat

Choosing the Right Approach: When dealing with an injured cat, it's important to prioritize their safety during transport.

2.1. Use a Cat Carrier

Ideal Transport Method: Whenever possible, use a cat carrier for safe and secure transportation to the vet.

2.2. Wrap in a Blanket or Towel

Gentle Handling: If a carrier is unavailable, gently wrap the injured cat in a blanket or towel to minimize stress and discomfort.

2.3. Place in a Box

Alternative Transport: For a makeshift solution, place the wrapped cat in a suitable box for safe movement.

3. Managing Bleeding and Prioritizing Vet Care

Act Swiftly: If the injured cat is bleeding, take immediate steps to slow or stop the bleeding, and make a prompt journey to the vet for professional care.