Pet First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

64 videos, 3 hours and 12 minutes

Course Content

Breathing and Respiratory Problems

Video 17 of 64
3 min 9 sec

Pet First Aid: Dealing with Breathing and Choking Issues

Checking for Breathing

When assessing a pet's breathing, follow these steps:

  • Look, Listen, Feel: Observe, listen, and feel for breathing signs for up to ten seconds.

Initiating Chest Compressions

If there are no signs of breathing, take action:

  • Chest Compressions: Perform chest compressions to expel air from the lungs and allow fresh air intake.
  • Mouth to Nose Ventilation: In cases of respiratory distress, perform mouth to nose ventilation by gently extending the tongue, closing the mouth, and blowing air into the nose.

Dealing with Poison-Related Breathing Issues

Exercise extreme caution when handling pets with breathing problems caused by poisoning:

  • Poison Handling: Be mindful not to expose yourself to the poison substance.

Managing Choking Incidents

Choking can be a serious concern, but here's what to do:

  • Give Time and Space: Allow your pet an opportunity to clear the obstruction, as animals are adept at this.
  • Avoid Throat Intervention: Do not insert fingers into the animal's throat, which may worsen the situation or lead to injury.
  • Unresponsive Pet: If the pet becomes unresponsive, consider using chest compressions to aid in clearing the obstruction.

Preventing Choking Incidents

Prevention is key, so take these precautions:

  • Safe Food Practices: Ensure that pet food is safe and securely stored out of their reach.